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Site-Specific Restoration Projects

We carry out the full range of services from earliest project phases to post-construction monitoring, including acquisition support, feasibility assessments, site characterization, designs from concept to engineering plans and specifications and bid packages, permitting and environmental review, stakeholder outreach, construction management, and grant support. 

This project will enhance shoreline access for environmental educational programs and habitat for special-status species at Alpine Pond, located high in the Santa Cruz Mountains within the Skyline Open Space Preserve. The pond provides known or potential habitat for California red-legged frog, western pond turtle, and San Francisco garter snake and is home to a popular environmental education center. 
Perrier Group of America wanted to document the extent to which spring water extraction for bottled water supply may affect watershed hydrology. 
The Bahia Restoration Project site is located in northeast Marin County, west of the Petaluma River and south of Black John Slough, in Novato, California. The project is divided into 4 areas: West Bahia, Mahoney Spur, Central Bahia, and East Bahia (including the central, east, and west peninsulas) and included the restoration of tidal marsh and tidal islands, seasonal wetlands, and marsh-upland transitional habitat. 
Worked for the EBRPD to evaluate the tidal statistics and redesign the tidal channel system for a large restoration project of former salt ponds for the Department of Fish and Game. Work included review of previous work that identified serious deficiencies, tidal reckoning analysis and oversight of another subcontractor specializing in specialized hydraulic modeling. Work conducted in 1999.
The Delta Science Center proposes to restore tidal marsh, seasonal wetlands, and riparian habitat along Marsh Creek and Big Break in Oakley, California and to construct an educational facility providing opportunities for high school and college students to study wetland restoration.
This project restored 1.85 acres of tidal salt marsh in response to an enforcement action by the Bay Conservation and Development Commission.
This project involves designing and permitting the replacement to a creek crossing on Deer Creek, a tributary of Bear Creek which is a tributary to San Lorenzo River, Santa Cruz County, California. This stream is a steelhead creek and thus designs and construction must take protection measures into account. This project is being implemented under the auspices of the Integrated Watershed Restoration Program (IWRP).
This project proposes to restore about 1,200 acres in the western Delta to tidal marsh, with the intent to incorporate scientific experiments within the restoration design to further our understanding of how to restore systems similar to Dutch Slough.
The overall project involves the restoration of approximately 900 acres of diked historic baylands to tidal and seasonal wetlands using dredged sediment to raise the deeply subsided site closer to final intertidal elevations.
The Water Transit Authority and City of Hercules are planning a tri-modal transit facility on the shore of San Pablo Bay, consisting of a ferry terminal, train depot along the California Corridor line, and a bus station. This project consists of preparing the Environmental Impact Report and obtaining all necessary permits.
This project proposes to restore 475 acres of tidal marsh in ponds A19, A20, and A21 within the larger South Bay Salt Pond Restoration Project. Within these restored ponds, the Santa Clara Valley Water District and Don Edwards National Wildlife Refuge would both receive compensatory mitigation credits for off-site impacts.
This project developed a conceptual model of ecosystem processes and functions and an ecosystem management and enhancement plan for Laguna Creek Lagoon, located south of Davenport along the Santa Cruz County coast. 
This project developed a conceptual model of ecosystem processes and functions and an ecosystem management and enhancement plan for Laguna Creek Lagoon, located south of Davenport along the Santa Cruz County coast. The lagoon, which was diked off and farmed for many years, and its adjacent creek provide habitat for endangered coho salmon, steelhead trout, and tidewater goby and may provide habitat for California red-legged frog. 
Conducted surveys, prepared vegetation maps, recommended native plant community restoration and management strategies and techniques.  GPS surveys and GIS mapping performed in collaboration with Jake Schweitzer, Wetlands and Water Resources. 
The Martin Luther King, Jr. Regional Shoreline Park wetland restoration project restored a 72-acre tidal marsh and 30-acre seasonal wetland on diked and filled baylands in Oakland, California. Construction was completed in 1998.
Engineering project manager for the design, permitting and operations of the largest wetlands creation project using dredged sediments along the west coast. The Montezuma site is an 1,800-acre dredged sediment disposal and wetlands restoration project. Work has included evaluations of hydraulic/hydrologic inflows into the watershed and detailed sediment evaluations, extensive permitting and meetings with regulatory and community agencies to respond to EIR/EIS comments. 
The U.S. Navy undertook an ecological risk assessment of the wetland areas at the West Beach Landfill on the former Alameda Naval Air Station as part of its base closure procedures. Wetlands and Water Resources performed a subset of the overall work, examining surface water and groundwater hydrology of the wetland area.
The Oro Loma tidal marsh restoration project restored a 350-acre tidal marsh on diked baylands in Hayward, California. Construction was completed in 1997.
      This project involved the preparation of an Environmental Impact Statement for a proposed golf course in the Republic of Palau.      
This project involves working closely with the Solano Land Trust, the property owner, to prepare a complete update to the 1990 Master Plan for Rush Ranch, a 2,070-acre wetland and upland preserve in northern Suisun Marsh. 
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers carried out an enforcement action against the San Carlos Airport for unauthorized fill placed within wetlands at the airport facility. This project consisted of complying with the terms of the enforcement order, which included preparing and implementing an on-site wetland restoration plan.
This project involved a cooperative scientific investigation between USGS and the Bay Conservation and Development Commission in support of the restoration design work at the Hamilton Airfield. USGS conducted a field data collection program to evaluate water levels, currents, and sediment transport at Hamilton and the recently constructed Sonoma Baylands project.
The California Department of Water Resources (DWR) and the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) are developing a project to convert diked, subsided Delta islands to freshwater wetlands. This change in land use will stop ongoing subsidence and, over time, reverse past subsidence.

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