Science Advisory Projects
Stuart Siegel, participates in advisory panels for restoration projects, regional natural resources planning, and applied sciences projects. Dr. Siegel contributes integration across the breadth of experience his projects along with extensive knowledge of efforts taking place throughout the region and elsewhere.
BDCP is a joint state-federal Habitat Conservation Plan/Natural Communities Conservation Plan being developed by the major water contractors that draw water from the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta to address long-term resource protection measures associated with water supply diversions.
The California Bay-Delta Authority Ecosystem Restoration Program is undertaking a scientific “vetting” effort for all ecosystem implementation actions proposed for the Delta in its Record of Decision and Ecosystem Restoration Program Plan Implementation Strategy.
The overall project involves the restoration of approximately 900 acres of diked historic baylands to tidal and seasonal wetlands using dredged sediment to raise the deeply subsided site closer to final intertidal elevations.
This project developed a blueprint for wetland restoration throughout the San Francisco Estuary, based on the input of over 100 regional scientists.
Dr. Siegel was an invited member of the 12-person Expert Elicitation Panel convened by the U.S. EPA, San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission, and California State Coastal Conservancy.