• Wetlands and Water Resources

Melissa Carter

Melissa Carter
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Ms. Carter is a registered civil engineer at WWR. Her specific duties include: project management and coordination; planning, design, permitting, and construction management of restoration projects; coordinating and performing collection of topographic, bathymetric, water level, and water quality data; and field data management and analysis.


Ms. Carter has 12 years of experience in the field of civil engineering, with an emphasis on wetland restoration/creation and flood protection. She has been the project manager and lead engineer for several wetland mitigation projects including the Santa Clara Valley Water District’s Coyote Parkway Freshwater Wetland and the Pajaro Basin Freshwater Wetland.  Melissa has also had significant experience in preparing and reviewing planning level engineering reports, plans and specifications for construction, permit applications, and as-built plans for a variety of projects.  Melissa has a successful track record of managing of multi-disciplinary teams to develop creative and collaborative solutions to project challenges.



B.S. 2001 Civil Engineering, Ohio State University



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