• Wetlands and Water Resources

Site-Specific Restoration and Enhancement Services

We carry out the full range of services from earliest project phases to post-construction monitoring, including acquisition support, feasibility assessments, site characterization, designs from concept to engineering plans and specifications and bid packages, permitting and environmental review, stakeholder outreach, construction management, and grant support. All our projects apply knowledge from our regional planning and applied conservation science foundations.

Restoration and enhancement of aquatic ecosystems requires an understanding of numerous disciplines. Tidal wetlands, non-tidal wetlands, estuaries, creeks/rivers, sloughs, lakes, and riparian zone ecosystems are defined and maintained by different physical, chemical and biological dynamics.

Each of these target ecosystems differ in the requirements of their indigenous biotic communities, regulatory frameworks within which projects must be permitted, monitoring strategies to document restoration success, site-specific constraints, engineering design elements, and assessment methods to develop and implement appropriate restoration strategies. We have considerable expertise in implementing a comprehensive systems approach for planning and implementing assessment, restoration, and enhancement across the range of aquatic environments. We also design and build wastewater treatment and storm water management wetlands to meet our clients' needs and site-specific conditions. Our end-to-end services include:


Remote sensing, GIS analysis, and cartography

  • Aerial photography and photogrammetry planning, rectification, and orthorectification
  • Vegetation/biological resource delineation, classification, and mapping
  • Compilation, digitization, and management of vector/raster data
  • Data analyses such as cut and fill operations, watershed delineation, automatic buffer delineation and change detection, slope/aspect classification, and much more
  • Land use classification and digital elevation modeling
  • Database management and analysis including: Relational database development and management, export and link to common database applications
  • Multiple media, color, size, resolution, and scale options to suit client needs
  • Internet map service (web GIS)
  • Project construction
  • Migration barrier reconfiguration or removal
  • Development of best management practices
  • Well installation
  • Construction planning and oversight
  • Re-vegetation
  • As-built surveys

Restoration planning and design

  • Fish and wildlife migration studies and barrier assessment
  • Habitat enhancement assessment
  • Restoration design to maximize functional and aesthetic value and minimize maintenance requirements
  • System component design, including channel morphology and capacities, water control structures, pumps and piping
  • Engineering plans and specifications
  • Process and conceptual design for wetlands alone or as part of a treatment system (e.g. ponds, grit chambers, activated sludge)
  • Hydrologic modeling (HEC-RAS, HEC-HMS, and SWMM)

Restoration monitoring

  • Monitoring program design, including sampling protocol development
  • Data collection and analysis
  • Database design and management
  • Data analysis and synthesis into project outcome and "lessons learned" reports

Site investigations

  • Hydrologic, geomorphic, topographic, and bathymetric assessments and surveys
  • Fish, wildlife, plant and invertebrate surveys and habitat mapping
  • Wetland delineation
  • Sediment transport and settling analyses
  • Tidal datum reckoning
  • Non-tidal and tidal surfacewater hydrology
  • Groundwater hydrology
  • Hydrogeomorphic assessments
  • Limnological assessments
  • Wetland biogeochemistry and cycling
  • Sampling of surface and groundwater, water quality, soil and sediment, plants and algae
  • Watershed, point and non-point assessments
  • Hydrologic budgets
  • Nutrient budgets
  • Fate and transport assessments and modeling

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 550 Kearny Street, San Francisco, CA 94108 - tel 415.896.5900 - fax 415.896.0332