Suisun Science Advisor

Project Description: 

The Suisun Marsh Charter Agencies (US Bureau of Reclamation, US Fish and Wildlife Service, National Marine Fisheries Service, California Department of Water Resources, California Department of Fish and Game, California Bay-Delta Authority, and Suisun Resource Conservation District) are preparing the Suisun Marsh Implementation Plan (Plan) and its associated Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement/Report (PEIS/R).

The purpose of this planning effort is to develop a suite of duck club management, tidal marsh restoration, and levee maintenance alternatives aimed at recovering at-risk species, addressing water quality concerns, and improving the regulatory framework for ongoing duck club management. As part of this process, the Charter Agencies have developed a Science Integration Strategy that includes a Science Advisor and Technical Work Group. 

Description of Services Provided:  

The Charter Agencies hired Dr. Siegel as the Suisun Science Advisor with support from other WWR staff. Dr. Siegel is responsible for overseeing the integration of sound science into formulation of the Plan and PEIS/R. Activities include reviewing documents produced by the Charter Agencies and the PEIS/R contractor (e.g., alternatives, conceptual models, sections of the PEIS/R), providing guidance on scientific matters, establishing and chairing a Technical Work Group of local experts spanning the breadth of disciplines necessary to provide comprehensive review of the Plan and PEIS/R, and assisting with outreach to the user community.

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